
5 Château Maris methods to reduce its carbon footprint


In November 2022, Château Maris in Languedoc received the Robert Parker Green Emblem, one of only 40 wineries worldwide to have achieved the distinction for “efforts far beyond the requirements of organic and biodynamic certification”.

This is no accident, but a cornerstone of the winery’s “outstanding” sustainability efforts. In 2002, Chateau Maris co-owner and winemaker Robert Eden converted the estate to biodynamics and in 2016 achieved the first B Corp winery and winery certification in Europe.

Part visionary, part maverick, and debauched prankster, this snowy-bearded British-born force of nature strives to reduce Château Maris’ carbon footprint in a number of ways.

To discover these different ways in the article, click HERE

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