Prevention of the dangers of alcohol

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health. There are associated risks. Château Maris produces alcohol, we recommend consumption in moderation. Below are some guidelines to limit the risks as a consumer of alcohol :

Although there is no threshold below which alcohol consumption is safe, scientific knowledge makes it possible to define benchmarks that limit the risks involved.

Updated in 2017, these benchmarks recommend:

• do not consume more than 10 glasses of alcohol per week

• do not consume more than 2 glasses per day

• do not drink alcohol at least 2 days a week

These benchmarks are valid for adults, men and women. No consumption benchmarks have been validated for younger people, in whom any consumption can be harmful due to the increased vulnerability of the developing brain. For more information on the risks associated with alcohol, consumers can consult:

Alcohol can be dangerous for your health

Consume with moderation

If you have been drinking and must drive, please take a breathalyzer test before driving. If you are over the limit call a taxi or a friend and do not drive.

Government information on combatting alcoholism :

Livre III : Lutte contre l’alcoolisme (Articles L3311-1 à L3355-8) – Légifrance (